Applications to Wind up Companies by Catherine Newman EPUB, DOC, DJV

Applications to Wind up Companies by Catherine Newman TXT, DJV

The second edition ofApplications to Wind Up Companiesprovides practitioners with an up to date and in-depth treatment of the law relating to applications to wind up companies. As such it is the only work to focus specifically on this aspect of corporate and insolvency law. This long-awaited new edition deals with the procedure for obtaining a winding-up order chronologically from presentation of a petition through to making the order. It also looks at the application process as it applies to various classes of petitioner, such as creditors, contributories (shareholders) and public officials. The book covers companies registered under the Companies Acts and all other entities, including insolvent partnerships and foreign companies, which may be wound up under the Insolvency Act 1986. It also deals with administration applications. Though focused on the procedure in the courts of England and Wales, the work also considers the jurisprudence of the many Commonwealth jurisdictions which have adopted the English procedure. A particular feature of the book is its analysis of the matters which are taken into account in the exercise of discretion, an aspect of the equitable jurisdiction applied to winding-up applications.


The Illustrated Guide to Jewelry Appraising : Antique, Period, Modern by Anna M. Miller read online book PDF, EPUB

In this companion volume to " Gems & Jewelry Appraising, 2nd Edition, " the first comprehensive book on appraising, Registered Master Valuer Anna M. Miller offers a comprehensive guide to antique, period and contemporary jewelry identification and appraisal. Offering clear, practical, insightful guidance with a wealth of photos and figures, " Illustrated Guide to Jewelry Appraising, 2nd Edition" contains expert information, case studies, typical problems, pricing data and key documents. Features include: A review of the appraiser's role and responsibilities Value approach methods that offer jewelers and appraisers clear standards for estimating value Complete instructions on doing full narrative jewelry descriptions A practical methodology to research and assemble data needed for an accurate estimation of value A complete Model Appraisal Document that readers can use as an example for their own documents An Appraisal Glossary covering all technical terms that will help appraisers communicate effectively All types of pieces are covered in detail, from rings, earrings, necklaces and pendants to chains, bracelets, brooches and cameos, as well as less common items such as charms and stickpins. Key aspects including design influences, costuming, social behavior and the significance of color in each time period are also explored, to give the appraiser a deeper understanding of the many elements that contribute to value. This one-of-a-kind reference is an essential working guide for all appraisers, jewelers, antique dealers, collectors, auctioneers, insurance adjustors and gem labs., In this companion volume to GEMS AND JEWELRY APPRAISING, 2ND EDITION, the first comprehensive book on appraising, Registered Master Valuer Anna M Miller offers a comprehensive guide to antique, period, and contemporary jewellery identification and appraisal. Offering clear, practical, insightful guidance with a wealth of photos and figures, the book contains expert information, case studies, typical problems, pricing data, and key documents.


Ebook Emily Dubberley - Quiver Minis: Quickies Mini Book in TXT, EPUB

A mini-book featuring 50 erotic positions to show you how to master fast hand jobs, oral techniques, and positions for every time of day., Whether you are a new couple who can't keep your hands off each other or married with kids, spontaneous sex is the perfect way to stoke your libido, beat predictability and performance pressure, and add another dimension of excitement and trust to a relationship. Quickies contains 50 morning, nooner, and night erotic positions to show you how to master fast hand jobs, oral techniques, and positions for every time of day. Whether you're looking to bring yourself (or your partner) to climax fast--or create a teaser for a longer session later, each technique will show you how to create excitement and satisfaction in minutes. The petite mini-book format makes it fun to try new techniques anywhere! With every page, you'll be on your way to fast, yet fabulous sex.